Wednesday, August 02, 2006


18 secrets to aging well
The Philippine STAR 08/01/2006

You have two ages: your chronological age and your biological age. Your chronological age is your true calendar age and there’s nothing you can do to change it. Your biological age, on the other hand, reflects the state of your body. You may be 50 chronologically yet still be 40 biologically if your body is well maintained.

Want to look and feel youthful, and age fabulously? Here are some down-to-earth tips to make you feel and look your best no matter what your age.
Age Is A Lifestyle
1) Have a positive attitude. Experts say that having a positive attitude is probably the single most important factor for a long and happy life. But it is not enough to think positive; you must do, act, and feel positive. See the light when there’s darkness and smile to rise above your sorrow.

2) Be enthusiastic.
A powerful ingredient that will surely fire up your life is enthusiasm. When you are enthusiastic (or just pretend to be), you will attract amazing things your way. Be ebullient, vivacious, and lively. Expect the best but at the same time, be ready for the worst.

3) Be inspired.
Always strive for things that inspire you. Find inspiration from God and nature, learn from successful people, and engage in activities that fuel and charge you. Follow your dreams, find a new challenge, learn a new hobby, and appreciate beauty and virtue.

4) Eat fresh, whole foods.
Your body is a machine that needs to be fed for energy and strength. Be judicious and careful about what you eat. Say no to junk foods and stick to fresh, unprocessed natural foods that give you power and vitality.

5) Exercise regularly.
Follow an exercise regimen to keep your heart healthy and your body fit and in shape. Aim for flexibility, strength, and endurance. To add fun and avoid boredom, participate in sports and vary your workout. Exercise with friends to keep you motivated.

6) Exercise your brain.
Your brain needs to be given a workout, too. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Learn something new every day, read books and publications, and solve stimulating puzzles to keep it sharp and competent.

7) Get enough sleep.
Getting quality sleep gives your body a chance to rest, recharge, replenish, and repair. It allows your brain to file and sort out your memories, hopes, and dreams. A good night’s sleep always refreshes and gives you energy to be at your best the next day.

8) Be a "people person."
Shift your focus from "I, me, myself" to "you, them, others." This will take your mind away from your flaws and insecurities. The more joy you bring to others, the more joyful you will be. Establish a social support network; keep old friends and make new ones.

9) Avoid stress.
Stress is the No. 1 cause of disease; in fact, stress can kill you. Hurrying through life can be stressful and aging. Check your limits and slow down when you need to. Be mindful of your activities and live in the moment, and you will enjoy life much more.

10) Hydrate.
The body is 75 percent water so you must hydrate it regularly. Drink plenty of water and juices especially on hot, humid days. Water helps your body flush out toxins and keeps your skin supple and youthful.

11) Protect your skin.
The skin is your body’s outer "clothing" and people judge your age by it. To keep it healthy and looking its best, protect it from the harsh sun with a sunscreen and from the elements by dressing appropriately. Dry skin ages prematurely, so use a good moisturizing lotion daily.

12) Simplify and organize your life.
Life is complicated; simplify. Know what really matters to you so you can spend your time and energy rightfully. Why agonize when you can organize? Being organized helps simplify your life.

13) Think young.
You are as young as you think. Be open to new things and ideas. Be adventurous and open-minded. Don’t be afraid of technology; learn and use it to your advantage. Understand young people. Dress a little younger than your real age.

14) Have fun, laugh, and be happy!
When you die, the first thing God asks when you come face to face with Him is, "Did you have fun?" Life can be problematic and dreary; it is your duty to keep yourself happy and entertained. Most importantly, laugh and be healed!

15) Have a higher life purpose.
Most people live insignificant lives because they stay on the basic survival plane. Those who live magnanimous lives and leave an unforgettable legacy are the ones who pursue grand, noble, and heroic missions.

16) Use medicine and cosmetics to enhance your life.
Avail of modern medicine to improve and prolong your life. Experiment with beauty products and cosmetics. A little makeup magic can enhance the way you look. When you look good, you will feel good about yourself.

17) Be in love.
You were born to love and share. The only meaningful love is the love you give away, and the only love you can really use and keep is love from someone else. Establish meaningful relationships and put the glow of love in your life.

18) Breathe well.
Above all, breathe deeply and pleasurably. Breath is the body’s ultimate food. You can live without real food for 40 days, but you die in minutes when deprived of air. Most of us have put our breathing on automatic; gain control of it once more. When you have control over your breath, you have control over your life.
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