Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cupcakes from Go Nuts Donuts

Look at what my mommy brought home for us yesterday!:)
Cupcakes from Go Nuts Donuts!

I guess they got threatened because everyone's into Krispy Kremes already so they came up with these variety of cupcakes to gain back a market share perhaps.
Mom brought home a box-of-6 for us to try with our brewed coffee at home.

Exciting Flavours of this new craze are as follows: Hazelnut Crunch,scream Cheese,
Strawberry Shortcake, Double Choco, Mexican Mocha, Fruit n Nut, White Chocolate Crunch,
Buttercrunch Toffee, Danish Buttercake, Cookies' n Cream, Chocolate Peanut Butter,
Chiffon Rosette, Marshmallow Cream,German Chocolate, Dulce de Leche, Godoe.
It's the Go Nuts Donuts Cupcake Pledge!


Anonymous said...

i love cupcakes!..i miss being in manila where go nuts are everywhere..=( check out this site..yummy din ang cupcakes nila, sa states nga lang to.. http://www.sprinklescupcakes.com/.. =)

tinsky10 said...

hehe... cupcakes are everywhere in manila. madami ngang masarap na home made lang. check out my multiply album under ate ina's baby shower... we had cupcakes at that time during the party :)