Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I don't normally get excited about breakfast. My mom would know. In my grade school days, she would normally feed me for long hours! I would let the food stay in my mouth and end up throwing it out. Yucky! I would end up crying because she'd get mad. That's our everyday drama even until when I entered highschool already. In college, I would end up leaving the house with my stomach empty(bec my mom is not there to check on me anymore). I don't know, I just don't like being forced to eat in the morning - when I actually just woke up. Ironically, I love breakfast food like tapa, longganisa, tocino, spanish sardines and so many others. But I would want to eat them at a later time in the morning.

Now that I am working, I normally eat my breakfast in the office instead. I wake up, take a shower, dress up and leave for work right away. Eating breakfast is not part of my routine at home. I normally eat my breakfast or drink my coffee an hour or more after I get to work, after i've settled myself and answered a number of my emails and phone calls. I recently found breakfast love in these stalls that recently opened in our 7th floor cafeteria: cerealicious ( i love their blockbuster cereal trails!) and panini (love their bacon lettuce and tomato!). There's another stall that offers organic brewed coffee and I am excited to try this after I give birth. Yes, when the baby's out! :P

On weekends, I look forward to breakfast only because then I know that i'll be with my family. Saturdays- is "breakfast day" in our house. My mother in law would normally hosts breakfast for the whole clan. It's been like that traditionally even before I met my husband. It may be tiring at some point (esp if you were out late on a Friday hehe) but nonetheless these Saturdays are very meaningful and important to everyone in the family esp my mother in law and her sisters :)

I love quiet breakfasts with my husband. We would normally do this on Sundays before mass. We are lucky to have a few personalized and quaint cafes in our area that's good enough for a perfect breakfast. Our favorites: Banapple and Kopi Roti (both located outside our village).I believe we will never grow old doing this together :)

(with husband taken at kopi roti. some two years ago :) kyle took this photo!)

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