Sunday, August 10, 2008

perfect cup on a monday

I got this from my childhood friend Nice. This is perfect to start my day on a Monday and keep me going for the rest of the week. Thanks! thanks! :)
I'm passing this to my blogger friends. Joy, Tricia, Naomi, Franny, Tina :) It's always nice to have your perfect cup of coffee beside you when blogging :)


Random Thoughts said...

Thanks for this, Tin! =) I am so happy na thru our blogs, we are able to get a glimpse of what's been happening in our friends' respective lives. I especially am glad to see you happily adjust to married life. Joel and I are actually celebrating our 2nd wedding anniv next week (18th) and oh, how time flies =) so cheers to marriage!

Frances Ang said...

awww thank you tin! its amazing to find wonderful friends even over the internet! *mwah*

Trishy said...

thanks thanks tinee! can't wait to meet up with you, it's boring here in ilocos..see you when i get back, k? i miss you!